
Showing posts from July, 2014

Attaining Imperfection, A Work in Progress

On May 26, 2013, I set out on a mission.  A mission to let go of perfect.  A year ago, had I been asked the question, "what is a word your friends would use to describe you?", among a few, one word would likely have been PERFECTIONIST.  Of course I wasn't perfect, but I pretended to be.  I worked hard to hide the imperfections, namely broken marriage, single parenthood, financial woes, and a very imperfect house that I had no idea how to fix.  Along with starting a blog to help me heal and to hopefully assist others in their own healing, I learned some great big life lessons.  As I sit hear contemplating a really creative way to share those lessons, I remind myself, this entry is not about perfection.  So here are the life lessons I've learned in no particular order, no more weight given to one then the other, and some blank spaces for those lessons I haven't learned yet. And so be it, this is my imperfect list of important lessons: 1. Love with ...