
Showing posts from January, 2020

Imperfect Grieving

Be honest.  Be age appropriate.  Be honest.  Be age appropriate.  Be honest.  Be age appropriate. This has been my mantra for the past five years as I have done my best to come up with the "perfect" answer to the many questions my son has had about his father. "Why can't I see my Dad?" Because he has an anger sickness honey and until he takes care of himself and gets better, it is not safe for you to see him. "When is he going to get better Mom?" I don't know honey, but I do hope it is soon. "Why doesn't he take care of himself?" Unfortunately bud that is not an answer I have.  That's on your Dad. "Why was he laughing at you when you said you were going to call the police on him?" Because it was the first time I stood up to him for you and for myself. "When can I see my Dad?" When he starts taking care of himself little man.   Were these perfect answers?  Were they honest?  ...