
Showing posts from March, 2020

What better time to practice being imperfect?

Week one of the COVID-19 School Closing: We had it all planned out. A daily schedule to provide routine and structure to the days at home of our four school aged children, ages 11-18.  Three mandatory study hours at the dining room table, time outside, and time together playing board games, watching movies, sharing stories.  An opportunity, I thought to myself, to bring us closer as a family doing all those amazing activities together that parents post about on FaceBook.  All of their kids full of smiles, no electronic devices in sight.  Yes - that was going be us!  Pictures of the kids and I doing crafts, cooking, hiking, etc. Week two of the COVID-19 School Closing: A slightly raised voice calling the kids down for breakfast.  Frustration as I try to figure out how to shut off their individual devices for not following the guidelines set during week one.  Confusion as 4 voices at once tell me how much time they earned off their study hour with ...